The Cummins family reunion took place this past weekend. I drove up with my sister Kim and her daughter Kylie on Saturday. This was the part of my past that was coming to visit me that I was so afraid of. The whole way up I was afraid that no one would remember me, or worse, yet more likely, I would not remember any of them. Neither happened.
When I arrived I was looking through a great crowd and heard my name called. Immediately I was drawn in to hugs and tears and felt like I had just come upon a whole lot of people who had genuinely missed me for a long time! And it had been a long time - more than 30 years! I was at first completely overwhelmed by all the warm greetings - but it didn't take long to really enjoy it all. I am really glad I went. I am also going to go again next year - and hopefully with Megan, who says she will probably go and hopefully Steven too. They also told me that I should come back and visit more, and I think that would be fun too.
So, I was afraid that this would bring up bad memories - because the memories were from my childhood. What happened is that the memories were warm and safe, and things I can hold on to when I need to drown out negative thoughts and feelings. So, it turned out to be really good.
I am also posting a couple more pictures of Megan and Ellie from the second visit. I didn't take as many pictures that weekend, and I don't really remember why. I didn't spend the night, so maybe it was just a time thing.
It looks like you had so much fun! I'm so glad that it was such a positive experience. I'm excited to see you tomorrow! We weighed Ellie on our little scale and it said she was a little over 9 lbs, so she is really growing! We have had to move up to the 0-3 month PJ's too!