Tonight I was watching desperate housewives. I had finished dinner, and was almost done with my progress notes. I got up to get some apple crisp for desert and an unpleasant feeling washed over me. Last year at this time I would have been getting ready to go back to Pocatello for the week. I can't even begin to tell you how much I hated living in that apartment. I went to school with a bunch of kids whom I had nothing in common with, and they never invited me to do anything anyway because I was as old as their parents. Most of the things they liked to do I don't do much anyway.
The apartment I lived in was the worst place I have EVER lived! My neighbors were generally druggies, and drug dealers, and the manager was a lying scheming worthless piece of work. I rarely had a good internet signal when I was there. I could hear one neighbor having intimate relations, another liked to play his guitar at all hours of the night, and the neighbor next door fought a lot with his wife. It stunk, it was run down, and there was nothing about it that said home.
I spent the entire week working on homework, on teaching assistant stuff, going to classes and working in the lab. When I got to do PSR work I got excited! It was the only part of my life where I felt important. I had some classes I loved! Sensation and Perception was a total mind blower for me. I could spend my whole life learning about that stuff. I also looked forward to Physiological Psychology and Fetal development. I read lots of research and debated with classmates about the implications of the findings. It was a blast. But when I think about all the hours I spent in the my office because I couldn't stand to go back to the apartment and feel so utterly alone, I just want to cry.
I don't regret my decision to not go back this year. I am happy working as a PSR. I have a lot of hours. I can handle this much for now, but I'm sure I will eventually want to cut back some. Maybe. Maybe I'll get used to all of this time working and decide that's what I want to do from here on! I need the money for now. I did find out, however, that 32 hours/week looks an awful lot like 38 hours a week on my take home pay. Taxes get the rest!
I'm not complaining about paying taxes! I feel like I am contributing to my cause now! I am donating my money to agencies that feed the poor, house those who would be otherwise homeless, support the disabled, build the roads I love to drive on, etc. etc. etc! It makes me feel good to know I am giving back now. I got the Earned income tax credit for a lot of years because I didn't make enough money to support my own kids. Now I get to help another woman somewhere who is struggling like I did. I only wish I could make more so I could pay more!
Well, I might have gotten a little carried away there. But I do feel good about paying my share now.
And I'm really glad I am not just now pulling up to a stinking rat-hole of an apartment right now.
Sargent Wanted his Models to Talk to Him
3 days ago
Pleased to hear you have no regrets and things are so much better for you :)
ReplyDeleteSometimes the universe does deliver.