The naked body of a woman was found Friday afternoon under the Perrine Bridge. A group of sight seers noticed what they believed was a deceased body and contacted the local authorities who said they could not find any clothing or identification of the person. She is 5’ to 5’5”, 115-130 lbs., 18-30 years old, with shoulder length brownish hair. They have been unable to match her to any missing persons reports in this area. An autopsy will be performed Monday.
I’ve been a little freaked out by this turn of events. I find it particularly coincidental that this would happen at a time when I am in a class that has focused intensely on serial killers over the past couple of weeks. I realize that is a huge leap, dead body to serial killer, but that is how it feels.
Taking all things into account, it might not be such a huge leap. She was found on the NW side of the canyon next to (not actually under) the bridge. Maybe people wouldn’t notice someone throwing a woman over the bridge in the middle of the night, but someone would definitely have noticed a naked woman walking to that spot. It would have been a long trek from either direction, and it was fairly cold Thursday night.
It also worth noting that the Perrine Bridge is the main avenue into Twin Falls. A person who is traveling I84 and wants to get to Nevada would take this path. How easy would it be to drop off unwanted cargo at the bridge? Apparently, it isn’t difficult at all.
But they want to rule out suicide. That’s the Jerome County Sheriffs department for you. There will be no CSI Jerome series on tv, that’s for sure. KMVT is something to be really proud of (I say sarcastically), they have broadcast video of men walking around the dead nude body looking for evidence. How dehumanizing can they be.
Friday night the Boise news station put out a missing person’s bulletin of a woman who was missing from Mountain home. She seemed to fit the description of the body found (although, how many women would?) Of course my mind went directly to the scenario where the killer dumps one body and picks up another. It was quite creepy.
The Mountain Home woman was found in Boise, safe. They are calling it a family matter, which I, of course, read as divorce, possibly fleeing an abusive situation. That’s the world we live in, I guess.
I couldn’t believe it when Megan decided to go visit her father’s family in Boise this week. She was very good at keeping in touch so I wouldn’t worry so much.
I worked off some of the stress by hiking the Dierkies lake trail with Zach. It is a workout when he goes. I might go again soon and try to do some bouldering while I’m there. I really need to try to get back into shape. I look and feel like I’ve done nothing for the past nine months but sit around and feel sorry for myself. I’m all done with that now, though. I’m going to get back to living again, while I still can.
Yes, Megan made it back ok. I was glad to see her.
Sargent Wanted his Models to Talk to Him
4 days ago
i am kimberly's cousin she comes from a good family she lived in california and was an actress her stage name was betsy monroe her father and family are very grief stricken