Monday, September 08, 2008

Perrine Bridge Festival

The Perrine Bridge festival took place this weekend. Megan and I went for about an hour and got to see all the fun stuff they did. We had only been there for about 15 minutes when the plane flew by and guys jumped out. They did a lot of acrobatic things in the sky and left fun smoke trails. Maybe next year they can get together and spell words out or something!
sky diverssky diver ditches 1st parachute - free falls
sky diver
free falling after ditching parachute
2nd parachute opens

behind the treeThen we watched some people jump off the bridge. Megan took the pictures of the red bull jumper. I love my new camera! There is no way I could have gotten pictures like these with the old point and shoot! These I took with the zoom lens.
red bull jump ready
red bull jump 1
red bull jump 2
red bull jump 3
perfect landing

above the water
good shot of jumper above watercanoerson the other side of the bridge
triple jumpers readytriple jumpers offtriple jumpers off 2triple jumpers chutes open

These guys have way too much fun!


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